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Mother and Daughter

Praying Mamas

Elijah's Progress

My son has struggled with his speech since he began talking and once he started school, they had him see a speech therapist, put him on an IEP for his speech(it’s mostly conversational studdering),but it was affecting him communicating in class. Well, one of the many things I put on my list was that he would no longer struggle with his speech and be at 100%. Well, look at the email I just received from his speech therapist! He’s at 95% fluency which is considered normal. To God be the glory!!!!

From Medical Malpractice To A Miracle

My daughter, who today is nearly seven years old, started experiencing spasms from the womb, episodes that grew after birth to multiple episodes each day. After watching her suffer from spasms for three months, the doctors informed me there was nothing they could do and sent us home.  While they prescribed medication, it only made the situation one thousand times worse. After taking it, her body was seemingly sent into a state of shock as the traumatic spasms increased from daily to hourly. Despite the trauma, we felt dismissed by the medical team when they informed us it would be weeks before a neurologist could even see my daughter due to their full schedule.  We knew that the only way out of this health crisis was prayer. And so, we hit our knees, praying intensely and purposefully, warring on my daughter’s behalf. Soon minister friends joined in, visiting with my daughter and praying at her bedside. At this point, she was sleeping 22 hours per day. As we constantly sought God, we continued to pray while taking natural steps like researching online. We decided to jump in the car and travel from Birmingham, Ala. to Texas for a meeting hosted by evangelist Benny Hinn to surround my daughter with an atmosphere of healing.  Despite the overwhelming feelings of discouragement, we continued to pray. As we sought out the help of other doctors, we were advised against administering the medication to our daughter. In fact, they were shocked that she was ever prescribed it in the first place.  It wasn’t until we found an African American physician in Atlanta that the tide began to turn. The doctor, a woman, was appalled by the medical treatment we had received in Birmingham, as communicated to us by the nurse. This physician was a God send, proceeding to work with us - not against us – expeditiously, and in doing so demonstrated the urgency of the matter.  Without skipping a beat, this physician ordered multiple tests and prescribed proper medications, arming us with very precise instructions. While following her directions, we never stopped praying. God’s favor was clearly upon us when the insurance company agreed to pay the hefty $75,000 doctors’ bills for medication. As my daughter began the long journey of recovery, we continued with the intense prayer regimen and turned to herbal medicine for assistance.   To make a long story short, God gets all the glory! When doctors read my daughter’s medical records this time, they were shocked at her healing and improvement, especially considering medical science showed there had been neurological damage. After reading her records, one doctor became so unnerved that he refused to see her again. Upon visiting our home, a therapist who was originally spooked by my daughter’s condition and medical malpractice was elated to witness her improvement and recovery. God has worked so countless miracles on my daughter's behalf. Today, she is a happy and healthy almost-seven-year-old in full recovery mode. What our family experienced was nothing short of a divine, miraculous recovery.  To bring it full circle, my daughter’s Atlanta doctor, who still keeps pre-healing pictures of my daughter on her cell phone as a reminder, suggested we revisit the doctors in Birmingham and show them what healing looks like! She is truly a walking miracle. - (CK)

Natural Cures

My daughter started experiencing severe allergy issues as a young girl at seven or eight years old. In response, we took her to see an ear, nose and throat (ENT) physician in search of answers. After an examination, the doctor told us that her tonsils were so inflamed that we should waste no time in scheduling surgery. According to the doctor’s report, it would be impossible for the tonsils to shrink, and the only solution was to remove them. Even though we scheduled the surgery, deep down inside, I wasn’t convinced by the doctor’s final assessment. Instead, I started praying and was led to visit my herbalist, a woman of God. She confirmed to me that we indeed had other options. As we continued to expand our prayer circle, my daughter started taking herbal medications. At this point, her tonsils showed zero signs of improvement. While we showed up for the surgery, we never stopped praying or coveting the prayers of others. When it came time for surgical prep, we helped her into the surgical gown and continued praying while the nurse arrived to do a final check before carting her away. However, upon examining my daughter’s tonsils, the nurse seemed to have a perplexed look on her face. She abruptly left before returning to the room to exclaim almost defiantly, “Mama, it looks like her tonsils are back to normal size and are no longer enlarged.” She was letting us know that there was no need for surgery, and the ball was now in our court – proceed with the operation as planned or avoid it and go home. For us, the choice was obvious. We blessed God for the miracle that He manifested right before our eyes! My daughter is now 16 years old and thankfully still has her tonsils intact with no issues whatsoever! When the doctor said IMPOSSIBLE, God replied NOT SO! There is nothing impossible for our God! - (CK)

Spiritual Warfare Defeated

After my son was born, he cried constantly. As a two-week-old infant, he was seemingly developing more slowly than normal, based on my experience with other children. After giving it some time, I quickly noticed there were no signs of improvement. From what I could tell, his development was two months behind. Through multiple doctor visits, I communicated these issues to the physician. Much to my surprise, she showed no signs of concern, responding as though my baby was normal. Over time, other people began suggesting that I was overreacting as well. However, I know my baby better than anyone else and therefore was convinced something wasn’t right. I responded by bringing my son into atmospheres of worship, praying for him and seeking God for his healing. Even though I didn’t know the exact diagnosis, the researcher in me managed to discover possible issues. Armed with new information, I decided to contact the doctor again. While conceding I could seek the assistance of an early intervention center, she advised me to wait approximately six months before going. That advice didn’t sit well with me, so I refused to wait, instead deciding to go against her wishes. I visited the center, and their response was what took me so long? Fortunately, it wasn’t too late to reverse what my baby was facing. As his mother, I felt like when my son attempted to communicate, his brain became stuck, almost like an electrical shortage. By this time, the center diagnosed him as having a sensory processing disorder that was, in fact, affecting his developmental rate. Yet another evaluation discovered that at 18 months old, my son was developing at the rate of a 10-month-old in many areas. After further research, I contacted multiple therapists nationwide in search of advice. I learned that he needed more intense therapy than just a few times per week plus intensives. We also brought my son to church where, during praise and worship, the minister began waving flags over him. He was so blessed that day. While his problems persisted, including terrible meltdowns, I learned how to allow the Holy Spirit to talk me through calming him down. One day while we were at a Chick-fil-A, he suffered a massive sensory meltdown. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I managed to bring his episode from a level 10 to zero within mere moments. After that incident, a lady who had witnessed the episode approached me in shock, wanting to know my secret to calm him down instantly. I gave God all the Glory and let her know He was with me every step of the way, instructing me on what steps to take. Over time, when we heard my son cry, we realized that the sound wasn’t normal and instead was one of torment. We asked my son to repeat after us, speaking the Word of God. But when we got to the name of Jesus, his response was NO. Immediately recognizing it was a demon, we knew it was time to go to the next level and cast that thing out of him. My husband and I laid hands on our son, casting the spirit of torment as well as the dumb and deaf spirits out of him. After that, we noticed his condition began to improve at lightning speed. We continued taking him to therapy as much as possible despite the criticism of our friends and family over the years. And it paid off. After all the prayer and worship combined with natural remedies like herbs and therapy, our son began to show massive signs of improvement. By four years old, he was only one point away from completely testing out of therapy by insurance standards. He made such strides that they informed me he was closer on the spectrum to being a typical child than a special needs kid. Today our son is 12 years old, and you would never know he experienced any health issues whatsoever. He is doing normal things like creating his own YouTube channel and winning the birdwatching contest at our local zoo. The Lord has blessed his life tremendously!! To God be the Glory for all these and many more WONDERS HE HAS DONE!!! - (CK)

Consecutive Miracles

I have prayed my daughter through an illness, Glory to God. She was diagnosed with brachial plexus palsy, a nerve damage condition that causes weakness or paralysis of the arm. The doctors informed me early on that she wouldn't be able to lift her hand above her head. But God. Today my daughter is 11 years old and can do everything they said she couldn’t do! I also have experienced two miracle deliveries and babies. After my first pregnancy at the age of 22 years old, I suffered from post-partum cardiomyopathy, aka heart failure, despite having zero prior health conditions. In 2020, I became pregnant during the pandemic and then again shortly thereafter only for the post-partum cardiomyopathy to return with my third child. After the complications with my first child, my cardiologist advised me not to have any more children. During my second pregnancy, I was told to terminate because I faced only a 50/50 chance of survival. During my third pregnancy, I was told it was too soon and that my chances of surviving the pregnancy and birth were very slim. I stand here today as a 33-year-old woman with three amazing kids, ages 11, two and one. I’m working, thriving and healthy. I don't believe in abortion. I put all my trust in the Lord. We serve an amazing God. - (TL)

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